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Manili Thinktank

Manili's Mission: Creating a European identity

Manili is doing what no one has done before: making people proud of Europe. How? Wear the flag and live the European lifestyle.


The first Manili event in January 2024

The first Manili event in January 2024

This collage shows the first event where people from all over Europe came together to celebrate Europe.



Why we Need a European Identity

Imagine standing in the heart of Brussels, the capital of the European Union, surrounded by a sea of people.

Each one proudly wears a product by Manili - elegant EU phone cases, bold and stylish shirts and jackets, even sleek rings engraved with the iconic EU stars.

As you look around, you realise something profound - these people, from different corners of the continent, feel connected not just by treaties and regulations, but by a shared identity.

This is the Europe we need to build.

Rational support is not enough

For years, the European Union has been supported by a rational belief in the benefits of cooperation - peace, economic stability, and collective strength. But as we look to the future, it's clear that logic alone isn't enough.

To truly unite the continent, we need more than policies; we need passion. We need to foster a European identity that makes people feel European in their hearts, not just on paper.

Countless Challenges Ahead

As Europe faces new global challenges like climate change, economic instability, and the threat of wars, the next steps in integration - such as establishing a common foreign policy, creating a unified approach to climate action, or even forming a European army - require more than just political agreements.

They demand a deep, emotional commitment from the people of Europe. Without this, any effort towards further integration risks failing.

But how do we reach those who are indifferent or even hostile towards the EU?

How do we inspire millions to feel a sense of pride and belonging towards Europe?

The answer lies in creating a European identity - a sense of belonging that transcends borders and languages. But this is no easy task. It requires a movement, a shift in how we see ourselves and each other. And it starts with the combination of two ideas: proudly wearing the flag and living the European lifestyle.

Proudly Wearing the Flag

Most people follow trends. If no one else is wearing the EU flag, they won't either - and they certainly won't wear it with pride. So how do we get to the point where wearing the EU flag becomes mainstream and "cool"?

This is where Manili comes in.

Items that make you look good

First of all, EU fashion has to look good. We're not going to get very far with a blue EU merch t-shirt that highlights your belly. We need clothes and accessories that make you look hot and are well designed. So our focus is to create fashion that you WANT to wear and that makes you attractive when you walk around in it.

First Brussels - then more and more cities and countries

We need people who believe in European values, are proud to wear the flag and have the courage to walk through the streets with something new and unprecedented. Obviously, it has two start with a small group of early adopters (hopefully you are one of them 😉). We will establish EU fashion step by step - first in Brussels, then in very pro-EU countries like Belgium, Ireland, Spain and Poland. And when we reach a tipping point and the EU flag really becomes mainstream, we will take it all over Europe.

A feeling of being European

Picture yourself in another EU country. You’re walking down the street, and you spot someone wearing an EU cap or jacket. You don’t speak the same language, but you both share the same values, the same belief in Europe. This moment creates a sense of belonging - of being European. This is the moment that makes Europe real.

Living the European Lifestyle

But identity is more than just what we wear. It’s how we live.

Creating European friendships

The European lifestyle is about more than just good coffee and beautiful cities. It’s about connection. It’s about making friends from across the continent, sharing experiences, and creating memories that tie you to Europe in a way that no treaty ever could.

Filling the European concept with life

Consider the countless students who have gone abroad with Erasmus, the travelers exploring Europe with Interrail, or the expats working in the Brussels bubble. For them, Europe isn’t an abstract idea - it’s a lived experience. They’ve walked the streets of Paris, danced in Lisbon, studied in Berlin, and made lifelong friends in Warsaw. These experiences are the foundation of a European identity.

Manili's ecosystem around the European lifestyle

At Manili, we want to take this concept further. We’re building a whole ecosystem around the European lifestyle - events, parties, discussion rounds, cultural exchanges, quiz nights, and more. While this vision won’t come to life overnight, every step we take brings us closer.

We're even planning a reward system: When you wear a Manili item, you'll enjoy perks like free coffee at selected shops across Europe, along with discounts on services like Flixbus, Ryanair, Eurostar, Interrail, and more. It may take time, but step by step, we’ll make this ecosystem around the European lifestyle a reality.

Let's create a European identity!

The future of Europe depends on us creating this identity. Imagine a continent where, regardless of borders, people feel a shared sense of belonging. A Europe where the flag is worn with pride, where the European lifestyle is embraced by millions, and where the idea of Europe is not just logically understood but actually felt.

This is the Europe we’re building. It’s not just about politics; it’s about people. It’s about you.

Will you join us?


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